Wednesday, March 26

New No-Smells Freshwater Head

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We’ve all been there at one time or another. That odor of rotten eggs drifting up from the head is every boat owner’s headache. Is it coming from the toilet itself? The hoses? The holding tanks? Whatever it is, it’s no fun.

The problem is that you can’t have a cruising boat without having at least one, or preferably two, heads on board. Bowing to the trend to make boats more family-friendly (and particularly more friendly to the ladies of the family), manufacturers are packing heads into smaller and smaller boats, even center consoles. The new Hunt 32cc, for example, manages to have a separate head with its own privacy door in a full cabin below. But that rotten egg smell can kill even the most craftily designed head compartment, and ruin even the best-planned cruise.

Now Raritan has the answer with its Fresh Head, which the company says prevents all those bad smells. The first manual head that uses pressurized fresh water, the Fresh Head is designed to eliminate all those odoriferous calcium deposits in the discharge hose.

It’s also an easy marine toilet to use and fit into your head compartment. Flushing is easy with a diaphragm-type pump and telescopic handle. You use a lever to adjust how much water you want to pre-wet the bowl for a better flush. The head is available with either right-hand or left-hand pumps, and you don’t need to create any new through-hulls if your boat has a holding tank. For refits, the Fresh Head footprint is the same size as that for many existing marine toilets.

Base price for the Fresh Head is $499.


(856) 825-4900

– paj




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