Saturday, February 8


Welcome to Cruising Odyssey’s Advertising pages and thank you for your interest in sharing your message with our affluent, power cruising audience.

In the pages below you can learn all about the Cruising Odyssey audience, their online behavior, and the many ways your message in tile, banner or text form will be distributed through email, the website and social media. When you scroll all the way to the bottom, you will find a good example of our unique Embedded Text ads, ads that will really tell your story in the most compelling way.  We created Cruising Odyssey so you can take advantage of the Media Revolution.

All the best, Peter, George & Scott (Cruising Odyssey Partners)



Here’s a Good Example of a Embedded Text Ad that works very well…

Emergency MedEvac from Guatemala Has a Happy Ending


For nearly 5 years, Larry and Ann Marie lived their dream, sailing the Caribbean islands aboard their 44-foot Island Packet. Their newest destination was the popular harbor along the Rio Dulce River near Livingston, Guatemala. As Larry positioned the vessel just past the sandbar at the mouth of the Rio Dulce, he experienced the sudden onset of a severe headache, the color draining from his face. He suddenly couldn’t focus on his compass and quickly lost consciousness, leaving Ann-Marie to get them into port. She signaled the closest available help — a local man in a motorized dugout canoe…

Find out what happened next at DANBOATER.ORG »



George Day, Publisher