Sunday, February 23

Boaters Helping Boaters

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Here’s a story that will warm your heart. Yesterday Wendy Wilson, a member of the America’s Great Loop Cruisers’ Association, posted a message on group’s forum asking for help. She and her husband and their four daughters, ages 19, 8, 6 and 5, want to start the Great Loop this August, pending a good outcome from the 5-year-old’s open heart surgery in May. Mrs. Wilson says her daughter’s medical situation is part of the reason the family wants to do the Loop now, since she has already outlived her doctors’ predictions “and you just can’t take life for granted.”

The problem is, the girl will need a large amount of medical supplies every month, probably five boxes worth. So Mrs. Wilson asked if any AGLCA harbor hosts, the people who usually volunteer to provide local knowledge or get together for dinner, etc., with cruising Loopers, could help out by receiving the boxes in advance.

The response was immediate. Several members volunteered right away, including one whose sister is an oncology nurse. And then Kim Russo, the director of the AGLCA, said they’d help out in any way they could, reassuring the Wilsons that other harbor hosts and AGLCA sponsors would help also. “I think you’ll be an inspiration to many others and I know you’ll be creating unforgettable experiences for your daughters,” she said.


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