Friday, January 24

Nordhavns Set Two New Cruising Records

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If you have a Nordhavn, chances are you’re not going to sit home reading a book by the fire. Indeed, ever since a Norhavn 40 circled the world in 2002, Nordhavn owners have been among the most adventuresome of them all. Now, Nordhavns have set two new records: First, the Nordhavn 68 Migration has made it to Svalbard, Norway, at 80 degrees north the fourth-highest spot in the world. This is the farthest north any Nordhavn has ever gone.  Migration will stay there for three more weeks or so, exploring the area and taking pictures of its exotic birds and polar bears. The second record-breaking Nordhavn is a 56-foot motorsailer, owned by racing driver Thierry Verstraete, who sailed solo across the Atlantic, the first Nordhavn owner to complete the crossing by himself. Not a bad summer for Nordhavns.
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