Tuesday, February 25

Lucas Pronk, Age 10, Tells His 5th Grade Class Back Home About the Great Loop; Great Video

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If you want to renew your faith in humanity, or just feel good about the world, take a look at this video by Lucas Pronk, 10. Yes, I know he’s on a sailboat, and this is a powerboat site. But that’s not the point. Lucas and his family – his father, James; mother, Nancy; and brother Marcos, 6, are truly living the dream – doing the Great Loop together – on a 44-year-old Catalina 27. James, an artist, and Nancy, a teacher, are taking a year off, and homeschooling the boys. They rented their house in Peterborough, Ontario, and set off on July 28. They’re now in the Florida Keys. And Lucas made this video for his 5th grade class back in Canada. It’s great. Take a look:


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