Monday, February 3

Wasting Away Again in….Daytona Beach?

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What happened to Margaritaville? Well, seems that Jimmy Buffett’s first retirement community (what’s wrong with this picture?) is not opening in Key West but instead in Daytona Beach, Florida. Buffett’s Margaritaville Holdings has formed a partnership with Minto Communities to develop a housing resort for senior Parrotheads, and others, in what they say are some of the nation’s most popular tourist destinations. Latitude Margaritaville in Daytona Beach is first up.

John Cohlan, CEO of Margaritaville, says, “With Minto’s expertise in creating master planned developments and Margaritaville’s inherent ability to deliver fun and escapism, Latitute Margaritaville has the exact coordinates for those looking to live the Margaritaville lifestyle as they grow older, but not up.” We’ll see. For more:






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