Friday, January 10

Outer Reef 88 Rounds Cape Horn with Company President on Board: Great Video

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Not that many boat company presidents get to join one of their owners cruise around Cape Horn, one of the most dangerous bodies of water in the world, but then not that many production boats actually go around Cape Horn to begin with. But Jeff Druek, president and CEO of Outer Reef Yachts (above left), recently joined Paul Hawran (above right) on Hawran’s Outer Reef 880 cockpit motoryacht, Argo, as it rounded the horn. For both, it was the experience of a lifetime.

Hawran, now 64, has been boating since he was 21 and bought a 20-foot Mako with some friends. Over the years he moved up to a Hatteras 60, a West Bay Sonship 82 and a West Bay Sonship 94. He also became a marine diesel mechanic and earned a Coast Guard 100-ton license. Originally from New York City, Hawran now spends his summers on Bainbridge Island, across from Seattle; he retired five years ago after running biotech companies in Southern California.

With twin CAT C-18 1001-hp engines and 3,500 gallons of fuel, Argo has a range of 3,500 nm at 10 knots. It also has a Kevlar-reinforced bow section, oversized stabilizers and commercial grade electronics, including redundant Furuno NavNet 3D multifunction displays, radars and Maretron vessel monitoring.

For a shakedown cruise, Hawran took Argo up to Alaska, then headed down the West Coast, ultimately reaching the tip of South American and Cape Horn. Druek said that rounding the horn “was the culmination of what I attempted to achieve many years ago as I built this company.” For his part, Hawran said, “I know many other boats have traveled here, but this was my Mount Everest.”

Still cruising, Hawran expects to reach Fort Lauderdale in about a year. After that: The Med. For more:

Here’s a great video of Argo rounding the Horn:



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