Monday, March 10

A Fast Guide to the Best Bars, Marinas and Fun Spots in Key West

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If you’ve ever been there, I think you have to admit that Key West is unique, a one-off, there’s nothing like it. Ernest Hemingway, for one, loved it, writing that “it’s the best place I’ve ever been, anytime, anywhere.”

The southernmost point in the United States, Key West is the heart of the Conch Republic, a jumping off point for Cuba for a lot of cruisers (including me, more than a decade ago), a sportfishing mecca, and the center of parties and celebrations that go on and on – from the evening gathering at Mallory Square to catch the green flash (pictured at top) to fantasy fests and parades that can make Mardi Gras look tame (above).

So what to do and where to go if you arrive by boat? Here are some ideas for the best bars, the best marinas, even the best side trip, a short voyage to Boca Grande, with tips about how to avoid the wrecks along the way and the alligators once you get there.

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