Tuesday, February 25

Summer – and Salmon – Along the Inside Passage to Alaska

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Summer is cruising time along the Inside Passage, the roughly 1,000-mile journey from Seattle to Juneau, Alaska. It’s also salmon season, when tens of thousands of Alaska salmon return to the more than 2,000 freshwater streams, rivers and bays where they were hatched, often jumping (as high as 12 feet) up rapids and other obstacles. And salmon fishing is a huge business; sales of Alaska salmon, halibut, cod and crab reach $6 billion a year.

Here’s a beautifully written story by Karen Evenden about cruising the Inside Passage with her husband Bill, with gorgeous illustrations by Jean MacKay. But it’s more than a cruising piece, touching on salmon fishing, the types of salmon, the commercial fishing fleet, and much more. I’ve cruised the Inside Passage several times, but I still learned a lot from this story; it certainly made me want to go back again. Read it here:



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