Wednesday, February 26

50 Boats Cruise to Poets Cove in the Canadian Gulf Islands for Ranger Tug Rendezvous

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About 50 boats cruised up to the recent Ranger Tugs rendezvous in Poets Cove resort and marina on Pender Island in the Canadian Gulf Islands, one of the most beautiful cruising destinations around. Poets Cove, nestled inside Bedwell Harbour Bay, is a great destination in its own right, or a convenient stop on the way to or from the Inside Passage. (I’ve stayed there many times over the years and have always wanted to go back.)

The Ranger rendezvous was a major success, filled with families, pets, kids and good times. The highlight was the blindfolded dinghy race (pictured above); the winner got a new inflatable kayak. Ranger and its sister company, Cutwater Boats, specialize in creating events for their owners, including rendezvous, alumni cruises, factory visits and new model introductions. The two companies are under the umbrella of Fluid Motion, LLC, one of the most successful boat builders in the U.S, and the brainchild of the father-son team of David and John Livingston.

For more pictures of the Poets Cove event:





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