Wednesday, February 26

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Veteran Cruisers Ship Kadey-Krogen 48 from Florida to the Pacific Northwest, Start New Journey

By Peter A. Janssen

Ever since they bought their new Kadey-Krogen 48 Idyll Time in 2006, Jeff and Suzie Parker have pursued an active cruising life from their home in Chattanooga, Tennessee. They’ve done the Great Loop, they’ve gone up and down the East Coast, they’ve become familiar with most of the stops on the Intracoastal Waterway. “Traveling up and down the ICW has become routine,” Parker wrote in his blog this spring. So they decided to expand their horizons – a long way – shipping Idyll Time from West Palm Beach all the way to the Pacific Northwest, picking it up in Victoria, BC, earlier this summer.

The Parkers say they always wanted to cruise the Pacific Northwest and up to Alaska. Parker said he realized that their new cruising grounds “will present many new challenges, but sometimes it is good to be pushed outside your comfort zone.”

After picking up Idyll Time in busy, but beautiful, Victoria, the Parkers and their two Amazon parrots, Nate, the chief engineer, and Primo, the activities director, cruised up to Sidney, over to Desolation Sound, with its labyrinth of inlets and towering mountains, and up to Campbell River, where they arrived in time for the annual Tribal Journey of the Wee Wai Kai First Nation Band. This year, the Tribal Journal involved 50 hand-carved longboats, paddled by members of various indigenous Bands. All in all, it’s a long way from the ICW.

To read the Parkers’ blog, and see their pictures of the Tribal Journey, go to:









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