Wednesday, February 26

Best Water Toys of the Year – On, In and Under the Water

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Here’s a best-of-the-year list that’s fun, and that can give you some ideas about what to put under the tree in a few weeks or to add to your boat for the next cruising system. It’s a list of the best water toys of the year from New Atlas, and it covers some “toys” that we’ve already written about (the Aston-Martin/Triton personal submarine, for example) and many that are brand new: Take a look at the Scubalec wearable jet drive that you strap to your wrist, pictured above left, to give some extra boost to your next underwater experience.

The new Trak 2.0 collapsible ocean kayak (pictured above right) that folds up into a bag that you can carry on your back or roll in a wheeled bag could appeal to a lot of cruising boat owners. It unfolds and assembles into a 16-foot kayak in about ten minutes. Want to get some exercise, or explore some thin water on your next cruise? Just climb into your new Trak. And you can store it on a side deck or in the lazarette. To see it in action, take a look at the video below (in the first link) taken in the Portland Canal in Southeast Alaska, accessible only by floatplane. Or read about all the toys in the second link:








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