Friday, February 28

Student Steals Hatteras 80 at Miami Beach Marina, Crashes Into Other Boats, Sinks Hatteras, Is Sentenced to Mental Health Facility

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Here’s a great story from the Miami Herald about a Connecticut college student who went to Miami on a lark, decided he wanted to take a boat ride, walked past a security guard at the Miami Beach Marina, fired up the engines to a Hatteras 80 named Mimi and almost immediately crashed into other boats. Mimi sank. That was on Oct. 2, 2016.

Now the student, Joselinn Anthony, has just pleaded guilty to grand theft, burglary and criminal mischief. His defense attorney said that Anthony had never been on a boat before but decided to take a ride on one. Its owner said Mimi was worth $4 million before the theft. When Mimi was raised from the water, a marine surveyor said it was worth $137,000. Authorities estimated damage to other boats and the marina at $8 to $10 million. And lawsuits are flying. The owner of one of the other damaged boats is suing the marina and the security company for failing “to properly employ adequate security measures.”

In court, the judge sentenced Anthony, who suffers from schizophrenia, to time in a mental health rehab facility. The issue of restitution is up in the air. Read more:



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