Saturday, March 1

Teens Save Two Families and Infant from Capsized Boat in Florida Keys

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Two high school seniors and an uncle saved two families, including a mother clutching a three-month-old infant, after their boat capsized in choppy seas off the Florida Keys.

According to this report in the FLKEYSNEWS, the boys were Mason Baker, 17, and Will Coffin, 18, who were fishing with Coffin’s uncle, Dave Tolhurst, 54, near Conch Reef, southwest of Plantation Key. They were surprised to see a capsized 23-foot boat with four adults and a four-year-old boy clinging to the overturned hull. They called the Coast Guard and then pulled one of the women, who had the infant strapped to her chest, and the young boy on board. A Coast Guard boat from Islamorada arrived to help with the rescue.

It turned out the boat had capsized when the owner tried to raise its anchor in the increasing wind and chop. The Coast Guard took the infant to a medic on shore to check for possible salt water ingestion. Everyone else was wet but unharmed. Read more:



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