Monday, March 3

Volvo Penta Sets 2021 Deadline for Building Hybrid and All-Electric Drivelines

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Volvo Penta is making a major investment in developing electric power for marine uses and has set 2021 as the deadline for creating hybrid and all-electric drivelines. The company just issued a clear statement of its intent to provide electrified power solutions for its marine business.

“Volvo Penta is embracing the electric transformation and will be at the forefront in delivering compelling business cases to customers using this new technology,” said Björn Ingemanson, president of Volvo Penta.

At the same time, he said, “This is the start of a long-term transition. Diesel- and gasoline-powered primary drive systems will remain the most appropriate power source for many applications for years to come.”

Volvo says it is making a major investment in developing sustainable energy as a power source. It has restructured its organization to accelerate the switch to electrified power and has opened a new R&D lab at its headquarters in Gothenburg, Sweden. It is already testing prototypes for both hybrid and all-electric power applications, but those results are confidential for the time being.

“We have a deep understanding of power systems in a wide variety of applications, which we will use to help customers meet the transformation towards sustainable power solutions in the months and years ahead,” said Johan Inden, Volvo Penta’s chief technology officer.  “These solutions will not just be more sustainable, they also will be high performance – delivering a no-compromise, win-win offering for customers and the environment.”

The picture above shows Inden and Karin Akman, system engineer, at the new lab in Gothenburg.  For more:









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