Sunday, February 9

Yanmar Launches Robot Boat and New Self-Docking System. See the Video

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There’s more news on the self-docking front. Volvo and Raymarine have already demonstrated their autonomous docking systems, where the boats essentially dock themselves. Now Yanmar has announced its own system, and you can see how it works in the video below.

The Yanmar system is an outgrowth of its experimental “autonomous surface vessel,” a robotic drone boat that Yanmar developed with the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), pictured above. It’s 14’ 5” long, weighs 3,600 pounds and can run for 48 hours at speeds up to 5 knots without anyone on board. It also can right itself in case it capsizes. It will be used for monitoring marine resources.

Yanmar says the robot’s docking system can be used in recreational boats “to reduce the hassle of docking and make boating a more enjoyable experience.” It uses satellite positioning with corrective data from Yanmar’s proprietary digital repeater system to provide precise positioning information. Yanmar’s joystick control uses that information to maneuver the boat into position.

So far it can handle side-to and stern-to docking situations as well as maneuver the boat into tight spaces without any human input. Yanmar says the self-docking system will be available for recreational boats after 2020. See the video and read more:








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