Wednesday, March 12

New Music Hull: Listen To Your Favorite Tunes Underwater

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Here’s something you probably haven’t thought about before: Music Hull from Videoworks, a revolutionary new acoustic system that lets you listen to your favorite tunes underwater. And no, it’s not a group of underwater speakers. It is instead a system of six “shakers” that are built into the inner hull that produces high-fidelity music you can hear underwater for up to 65 feet away from the boat.

Music Hull uses the hull as if it were a high-definition speaker. The shakers are placed on the inner surface of the Pershing’s carbon-fiber hull and they make the hull vibrate in the frequency range of the music.

Videoworks says that Music Hull works by “bending waves, filling space with an even acoustic pressure without requiring holes or openings in the hull. The high fidelity of the sound is guaranteed by an electronic equalization algorithm that allows the system to independently calibrate in real time.” The Pershing also has speakers installed in the cockpit, so that everyone on board can listen to the same music, whether they’re above or below water.

The Music Hull is managed by Videoworks’ One Touch Infotainment System; it, in turn can be managed from a smartphone, tablet, or Apple Watch. You can stream music from your mobile devices, which can be networked wirelessly into the system.

Right now, the only way you can hear Music Hull is to buy a Pershing 8X that it’s attached to. (The 84-foot Pershing 8X costs about $5.8 million, so you may want to rethink how badly you really want to listen to music underwater.) The system was developed by engineers from Ferretti Group (Pershing’s parent company) and Videoworks; other Ferretti Group brands are bound to use it soon. And it probably will be available on the retrofit market before too long. Read more:













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