Saturday, March 8

Sea Bubbles Unveils New Hybrid in Cannes

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Sea Bubbles just unveiled their new 26-foot hydrofoil at the Cannes show. It’s powered by a hybrid system using electric motors and a hydrogen fuel cell; top speed is 22 knots with the foils deployed.

A French company, Sea Bubbles introduced its first vessel, a five-seat hydrofoiling Bubble Taxi, in 2019. The new Sea Bubble, holding eight passengers, is designed for the recreational market. It’s larger and faster than the original.

The new craft provides a smooth and quiet cruise at 18 knots. It can run for two hours and 30 minutes at that speed. You then can recharge it in four minutes at a hydrogen gas station (assuming you can find one). Power comes from two 45kW electric motors, hydrogen fuel cells, and a lithium-ion battery pack.

The Sea Bubble is 26’ 2” long and 11’ 6” wide. When it reaches 10 knots, its composite fiber hull lifts two feet out of the water and runs on three automatically deployed carbon-fiber foils, one in front and two aft.

Sea Bubbles says it uses technology from the aeronautic industry for the foils, adapted for marine use. They use gyro and altitude sensors to control roll, pitch and yaw to insure stability.

The Sea Bubble has gull-wing doors for easy access, and it’s climate controlled inside. There are options for higher-quality seating and tinted windows.

Its draft is 3 feet with the foils up, and 6 feet with the foils deployed. It weighs 6,200 pounds. Read more:




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