Sunday, March 9

New Electric Tiaga PWC: Fast, Fun, and Silent

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Tiaga, the Canadian manufacturer of electric ski mobiles, just introduced the first all-electric PWC in the North American market. The new Tiaga Orca Carbon hits 65 mph, is totally silent, and has a two-hour range before it needs recharging.

The Orca Carbon has a carbon-fiber composite hull and weighs just 738 pounds. It’s 9’ 6” long with a beam of 3’ 9” and it’s powered by a 120kW, 160-hp motor and a lithium-ion battery system. You can recharge it at a dock or an outlet in your garage, or with a universal Level 2 connector that’s used for electric cars. Charging can take up to 14 hours.

The Orca has direct drive, so there’s no lag time when you hit the throttle. There’s no transmission and the acceleration is fast and smooth. It’s user friendly. To go forward, squeeze the throttle on the right handlebar. For reverse, squeeze the left handlebar. Don’t squeeze either one and the Orca stays in neutral.

The company says, “Orca delivers reliable, linear power for precise performance, ease in getting on plane, and ultimate thrills of flying through the water.”

You can choose among three driving modes: Range, for cruising; Sport, for carving turns and playing in wakes, and Wild, for flat-out speed. A 7-inch display monitors the range, speed and charge.

The Tiaga Orca Carbon is a bit pricy, with a base of $26,500. But a fiberglass model is $17,940, about the same as a similar-sized gas-powered PWC.

Read more at  and see the video below:


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