Sunday, March 9

C-Dory TomCat: Stable Pocket Cruiser

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If you’re thinking about an outboard-powered pocket cruiser, the 25-foot C-Dory TomCat has a lot going for it.

Per its name, the C-Dory TomCat is a catamaran, so it has a cat’s stability and space; indeed, the cockpit is a full 7 feet long and 7 feet wide, not bad for a 25-foot boat. And the twin outboards are mounted pretty far apart on the transom, so docking and low-speed maneuvering are relatively painless.

The ride is flat and fairly dry, and the TomCat doesn’t bank in turns. You can run it up on a beach for a picnic, if you want.

Standard power is twin 150-hp outboards, and the boat can handle up to 350-hp total. It cruises easily from 10 to 30 knots.

The TomCat is an all-weather boat, with the protection of an enclosed pilothouse design. A queen-sized berth is forward, taking advantage of the cat’s 8’6” beam. A single seat is at the helm, on the starboard side, with a small galley aft. The back of a forward-facing seat on the port side flips back, so the seat can face a dining table with another seat aft.

The boat has an enclosed head and shower and a holding tank, and 30-amp shorepower and a battery charger. A couple could cruise easily on board, while four people could be comfortable for shorter periods of time; it is a 25-foot boat,

At least one C-Dory Tom Cat has completed the Great Loop. It certainly wouldn’t have any problems sliding under the bridges, or fitting in the locks and marina slips along the way. It also can be trailered.

C-Dorys are made by Northwest Marine Industry, a family-owned company in Bellingham, Washington. The TomCat will be on display at the Seattle boat show, starting Feb. 3.

Specs.: LOA: 25’5”; Beam: 8’6”; Draft: 12”; Disp. (without engines): 5,400 lbs.; Fuel: 150 gals.; Water: 30 gals.; Power: 2×150-hp outboards. Read more:


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