Tuesday, March 4

Speeding Boat Crashes into House. Driver Charged

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The Missouri State Highway Patrol says a high-performance boat somehow went airborne last Saturday night on the Lake of the Ozarks and crashed into the side of a house.

The eight people on board were thrown from the boat; six, including the driver, had serious injuries. The Highway Patrol charged the driver, Adam J. Ramirez, 47, from Huntington Beach, California, with suspicion of boating while intoxicated. He was released for medical treatment.

The accident occurred just before midnight. The boat, a 2014 Nor-Tech with three 300-hp Mercury outboards, was heading east and crashed into the home on the Osage Arm of the lake. None of the eight people, ranging in age from 21 to 51, were wearing jackets.

The owner of the home was asleep at the time. Police said “the home sustained extensive damage.” Travis Coleman, a captain for TowboatUS, said the scene was “very chaotic, a lot of EMS.”

The next day a crane removed the overturned boat from the lawn outside the house. Police are investigating. Read more:



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