Sunday, March 9

Shannon Unveils New Amphfoils

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The Shannon Boat Company in Bristol, Rhode Island, recently unveiled its plans for a new series of Amphfoil hydrofoils that are designed to revolutionize boating.

Shannon says it developed the Amphfoils after eight years of R&D and it has patented the design and technology in 40 countries around the world. They use new hydrodynamic and aerodynamic technologies to redefine a traditional hydrofoil and deliver speeds of up to 70 mph and a range of 350 nm. They also use 75 percent less energy than a traditional gas- or diesel-powered boat, according to the company.

The Amphfoils combine the stability of a catamaran with the principles of surface-effect lift, electric-powered tilting air propellers and four hydrofoils. The foils are designed for fast maneuvering without the need for complex electronic controls. They also are retractable, so they safeguard marine life and prevent groundings in shallow water.

Designed for recreational and commercial use, the Amphfoil basically uses variations of one platform to create models in different sizes. They can adapt to rapidly changing advances in electric, hydrogen-cell and hybrid propulsion without expensive new tooling modifications.

Shannon unveiled plans for a 28-foot Amphfoil tender (pictured) that can seat six passengers. The top is convertible, to be opened or closed according to the weather, while the quad foils and aerodynamic technology are designed to deliver a smooth ride without pounding.

The company also has Amphfoil designs for a 39-foot patrol boat for military or law-enforcement applications, and a 59-foot ferry.

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