Wednesday, March 26

Locking Our Way through the French Canals

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Donald and Marjorie Walker are the proud owners of a Broom 33, a Dutch-built cruise that is popular with those who enjoy exploring the canals of Europe. Planning to attend the annual Broom owner’s rendezvous in Naarden, The Netherlands, they chose to get there via the French canal network.

Their journey, which involved passing through numerous locks every day, took them first through familiar canals and rivers where they had spent time in earlier cruises. Then, they ventured into routes that were new to them and often had fairly long distances between marinas.

The canal and river system is comprised of man-made canals that link rivers and lakes together and the route rises and falls through locks as they cross the lovely, undulating countryside. To get to Naarden they would eventually emerge onto the mighty Rhone River.

We join the Walkers as the make the trip from the town of Toul in in France’s Moselle district and cruise with them to the city of Metz, the lasst French river port before they entered Germany. 

Read more here.


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