Monday, May 13

Recovered from Irma, St. Barts, an Island Gem, Has Regained Its Luster

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With a combination of French and Swedish history, St. Barts is one of the most alluring islands in the Caribbean. Its harbor, in the main city of Gustavus, has more than a touch of Caribbean-style cosmopolitan charm, while the pristine white-sand beaches and occasional  anchorages around the island make it a worldwide cruising or vacation destination.

The New York Times just ran one of its popular “36 Hours” stories about St. Barts, giving a sample itinerary of what to do and where to go if were able to get there for that period of time. For anyone cruising or chartering there, consider it as a highlight reel of what you can expect. And it certainly will make you feel like staying for more than 36 hours.

The main point is that St. Barts has survived its near-death experience with Hurricane Irma and its almost 200-mph winds two years ago. Now, as The Times says, “With renovated restaurants, reconstructed roads and a rotating cast of festivals celebrating everything from movies to music to boats, this island gem has regained its luster.”

Once you’ve landed, whether from your boat or a smallish plane from Guadeloupe, Puerto Rico or St. Martin, you’ll probably want to rent a Mini Cooper to get around St. Barts’ hillsides, with their gorgeous views, and explore the island. (The last time I was there, on a chartered boat from St. Martin, we rented a Mini Moke, but things change.)

Then you may want to head for Bonito, an almost-French bistro near Gustavus for an evening cocktail; The Times says it is “perhaps the island’s best perch for yacht watching.” Or travel out to Colombier Beach at the end of the island, which The Times calls “a white-sand gem with perfectly clear water,” accessible only by boat or a mountainous footpath. “Bring snorkeling equipment and meet the striped fish zipping around the rocks on the east side of the beach,” The Times says. Read more:



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