Sunday, May 5

Wally the Walrus Just Wants To Rest

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He probably didn’t start out wanting to be a bother, or an international media star. Most likely, Wally the Walrus was looking for a place to rest.

But when Wally, who’s about 10 feet long and weighs a ton, started climbing on boats in the U.K., France and Spain, he got some attention. In the past few weeks, he’s been trying to climb on so many boats in the Scilly Isles off the UK that local officials built him a soft float for him to sleep on, while urging boat owners to “gently deflect” his presence with an oar or anything else that’s handy for fending off a walrus.

In the water, Wally is a stunningly fast swimmer. But when he pokes him head up and uses his flippers to try to climb on the side of a boat, he doesn’t look like someone to take lightly. Wally has not been aggressive so far (walrus experts say they are highly social animals), although he has capsized some small boats and tenders that he’s tried to climb on.

So far, Wally is well traveled. An Alaskan walrus, he came from Svalbard, Norway, swimming about 2,000 nm to Ireland in March, and then moving on Wales, France, Spain and the Scilly Isles. He’s been climbing on boats there since July 1, making international news as he tries to find a place to sleep.

Wally, is seems, prefers soft, warm RIBs (until they sink under his weight) and curls up in enclosed places. One favorite spot is on transom of the Star of Life, the local ambulance boat where everyone leaves him alone unless the ambulance is needed.

The harbor and boating authorities in the Scilly Isles created a team to keep Wally safe, and built a small float in the harbor for him to sleep up. They have urged boaters to keep some distance away from Wally, so he can rest for his swim back home. He also needs to feed up on his favorite food – clams. Read more:




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