Tuesday, May 14

Dolphins Lead Cruiser To Rescue Naked Woman

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A pod of dolphins lead a sailor to rescue an exhausted naked woman who had been struggling to stay afloat for 12 hours about three miles off Malibu in Southern California.

The woman, 26 years old, was gray and suffering from extreme hypothermia when she was rescued and probably would have drowned if she had been in the 66-degree water much longer. She spent three days in the hospital recovering from her ordeal.

Khosrow Khosravani (pictured above), 60, a former lecturer in information technology at UCLA and Harvard, thought he and some friends would just enjoy an easy sail on his boat Defiant from Marina del Rey to Malibu. After a while they saw a pod of dolphins, and sailed over to get a closer look.

At that point, they saw a human hand sticking out above the surface, and they went to investigate. It was the woman, who was too tired even to wave. It turned out that she had gone skinny dipping the night before, and the currents had swept her out to sea. She survived by floating on her back.

Khorsravani, who had just completed a sailing course, threw her a buoy with 70 feet of cord; she was able to grab it on the second toss.

Once she was on board, the crew wrapper her in blankets and called for help. A lifeguard boat from the Los Angeles County Fire Department responded within minutes, and took her to shore where first responders transported her to the hospital.

Everyone involved agreed that if it had not been for the dolphins, the woman would have died. Read more at https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10137121/Sailor-rescued-woman-swept-sea-coast-LA-month.html and see the video below:


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