Wednesday, March 12

Kadey Krogen Cruising Tales from the Land Down Under

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The Kadey Krogen family of owners, past owners and want-to-be owners is large, active and loyal to the brand and the boats.  In the past 45 years Kadey Krgoen has actually built and launched 650 boats and counting. That’s a big family.

And, Kadey Krogens can be found all around the world cruising safely and surely. Owners are encouraged by the builder’s team to send in stories of their cruising lives and many of them do. They are almost always on how buying a Kadey Krogen set them on the path to fulfill long held cruising dreams

So, we want to introduce you to an Australian couple, Chris and Brian Harward, who had been boaters for a long time and were successful entrepreneurs. They had the itch to go cruising and they wanted a trawler to be their floating home.

After searching far and wide, they came to the States to look at boats and, once they set their eyes upon a Kadey Krogen, they were smitten.  Soon a 39 came on the market in Florida. They flew in to look at it, bought it and not long after the boat was in Australia and ready for its new life.

Read Chris and Brian’s story on the Kadey Krogen blog here.

Brian shows off a huge Spanish Mackerel caught off Australia’s East Coast


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