Friday, September 20

How To Make A Mayday Call that Works

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If the absolute worst happens, a fire on board, a collision with a sunken object, a sudden storm or rogue wave, and you need to place a Mayday call for help, do you know what to do? Sure, we all have probably tucked away the proper protocol in the back of our consciousness someplace, and if we have our act together we have also shared that knowledge with our crew.

But in the event, when the panic sets in, do we know how to prioritize the Mayday call so that we are ensuring that the Coast Guard or other vessels on the receiving end can reach us to render help? All too often, it turns out, that necessary information is not transmitted, or at least it’s not received. Here are some great tips from someone who’s been there about how to make a Mayday call that will guarantee the best chance of success.



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