Thursday, February 27

Father and Son Save 15-year-old Daughter from Great White Shark Attack

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A great white shark attacked a 15-year-old girl who was kayaking near her family’s boat off South Australia, and she was rescued by the fast action of her father and her brother, who actually dragged her across the shark’s back onto their 14-foot aluminum craft.

After the rescue, Chris Williams, the girl’s father, told The Guardian, “It’s something I don’t ever want to experience again. To hear the spine-chilling screams from your daughter is just indescribable.”

All this started as a Sunday family outing on the water south of Adelaide. Williams and his son, Mitch, were on their small outboard boat when they saw the 15-foot great white attack Sarah’s kayak, about 30 yards away. The shark threw her up in the air. Williams said he saw “this massive shark just roll on its side as it was trying to get Sarah.”

Williams started the boat and raced over to his daughter; Mitch dragged her across the shark’s back to safety. Sarah had some cuts and bruises but otherwise was not injured. Williams said it was lucky that his outboard motor started the first time.






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