Saturday, March 1

A New Record: 67 Boats, with 650 People, Transit Greek’s Historic Corinth Canal

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Here’s one for the record books, or the Guinness Book of World Records, to be exact. Rib Cruises, based near Athens, organized a flotilla of 67 boats, including 44 RIBs, in a run through the Corinth Canal, the four-mile-long, man-made cut between the Greek mainland and the Peloponnesian Peninsula. A shortcut from the Eastern Mediterranean to Southern Italy, the canal was closed for the event.

It took all the boats, holding some 650 people, little more than an hour to transit the canal, which is only 64 feet wide. Rib Cruises says this is a record number of boats and people in that period of time. The boats started at Isthmia, the southeastern entrance to the canal, and finished at Corinth, on the northwest side. The flotilla then went on for three days of parties and sightseeing in nearby islands and beaches.

The canal was built from 1881 to 1893. Some 11,000 commercial and recreational boats use it every year. Read more:



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