Thursday, January 16

Baseball Star Jose Fernandez Dies in Miami Boat Crash

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josefernandez-jpgThis is just a tragedy in so many directions.

Jose Fernandez, a 24-year-old star pitcher for the Miami Marlins, was killed early Sunday morning when the 32-foot SeaVee he was riding in with two friends hit a jetty marking the north side of Government Cut in Miami. The Coast Guard found the boat, turned over on top of the jetty, during a routine patrol at 3 a.m. Sunday. A spokesman for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said the boat hit the jetty at speed, probably 50 mph or so, and the three men, whose bodies were found under the boat, died of impact.

Fernandez came to the U.S. in 2008, on his fourth attempt to flee Cuba, by boat. He had been jailed when earlier attempts failed. On his fourth, successful, trip, his mother fell off the boat. Fernandez, a strong swimmer, rescued her.

A baseball star, Fernandez was signed by the Marlins in 2013 and was named Rookie of the Year. He pitched in the All Star game this year. Friendly and out-going, he was popular with his teammates and around the league. On a personal front, he posted pictures of his girlfriend, who was pregnant, just five days before he died.

Weather apparently was not a factor in the accident. But, as we all know, background lights, city lights or car headlights, can be confusing when you’re navigating at night. On the other hand, Government Cut is huge, often filled with cruise ships as well as recreational boats. Over the years, I’ve come in and out of Government Cut, day and night, on everything from my 8-knots Grand Banks to high-speed Cigarettes, Fountains and Scarabs. The middle of Government Cut is hard to miss. The moral of this story, if there is one, is simple: Speed Kills.




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