Friday, September 20

Warning To Mariners: Stay Clear of Kick-’em-Jenny

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If you’re thinking about cruising in the Caribbean, you’ll want to keep an eye on Kick-‘em-Jenny, an underwater volcano five miles off Grenada that’s threatening an eruption. Indeed, the government of Grenada just imposed a three-mile exclusion zone around the area because scientists believe an eruption could take place in the next day or so.

One of the most active volcanoes in the eastern Caribbean. Kick-‘em-Jenny rises about 8/10 of a mile above the seafloor. It has erupted at least a dozen times since it was discovered in 1939, when it shot a 900-foot-high cloud of steam and debris up from the surface. Its last eruption was on Dec. 4, 2001. Seismologists say there is no imminent danger to the region.
(About the name: The volcano is named after a small nearby island now called Diamond Rock, but which was called Kick-‘em-Jenny before the volcano was discovered. So why was the rock given that name? It seems unclear, but perhaps the name refers to the fact that waters in the area are often turbulent. Hmmm.)

For more, and a video of the volcano:




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