Wednesday, March 12

Cat Builds More Powerful 2025-hp High Performance Engine

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If you’re looking for power, pure power, the new CAT C32B’s got it – in spades. Indeed, this latest high-performance marine diesel from Caterpillar has 2025-hp, or 5 percent more than previous C32 engines. But it looks the same and has the same connection points and footprint, making it attractive for both new builds and repowering options.

New from the block up, the C32B is built to run at wide-open throttle up to 8 percent of the time. Cat says this is at least 3 percent longer than competing engines can run at that speed. The C32B also delivers more muscle without the fat, with the 5 percent power increase but just a 2 percent weight increase.

Cat says the new engine is quieter than existing engines, as much as 25 percent quieter in low-speed conditions. That’s because of its advanced unit injection fuel system That fires multiple injections of fuel per power stroke, reducing noise. The unit injection system also offers redundancy. In a traditional common-rail engine, a failed high pressure pump shuts down the engine. But with Cat’s new unit injection the engine can still run well enough to get you back home.

Allen Bowman, a product strategy engineer for Caterpillar Marine, says the new C32B offers more power “while also helping to reduce engine noise and continuing to provide excellent marine performance and reliability. The C32B will provide expanded opportunities for our customers for new builds and repower options.”

The new engine will be available this fall. It comes with an unlimited warranty protection for the first two years. You can buy an extended warranty for the next three years. When those first five years are up, a Cat dealer can inspect the engine and add another five years of extended coverage. Read more:




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