Tuesday, March 25

Italy’s Pershing Yachts Launches Cruiser-Friendly GTX80

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When you try to put Italy’s Pershing Yachts in context amongst the host of other companies that build luxury yachts, it is helpful to think of Lamborghini motorcars. That quintessential Italian blend of radical design, eye-watering speed and luxury is what make the famous cars unique and in very much the same way made Pershing stand out from the crowd.

Pershing designed and built yachts have always been rocket ships with blinding speed and sports-car handling. These are boats that have top end speeds of 50-plus knots and some of them will top 60-knots while also providing sumptuous styling, finish and accommodations.

So, what do we make of the new GTX80 that only goes 34 knots when wide opan cruses and cruises at a sedate 22 knots? Has Pershing gone soft? I don’t thnk so. It seems that the builder is conforming to the new trends in the market, particularly in southern Europe, to build boats that are eco-friendly, fuel efficient and designed to enhance the crews’ relationship with the natural world.

The GTX 80 still has all the looks and bravado of the Pershing brand. The bullet shaped hull, the glistening silver paint and aggressive window styling. It still roars but with a more muted roar that is much more fuel efficient than her brawnier sisters.

The real giveaway in the new direction the boat represents is the giant beach club aft. With the bulwarks folded down to terrace level and the cantilevered stern platform deployed, the whole area measures out to 301 square feet.

Four or five couples could all swing dance together on this platform and not bump into each other. Or they could do the more common thing and sunbathe on chaise lounges and swim in the Mediterranean.

The GTX80 is powered by three Volvo IPS drives that have the Smart Docking function that will make even a boat of this size relatively easy to manage in and around marinas and when med-mooring.

Pershings have always been built to blow your hair back and impress your friends. The GTX80 with do that, but after the excitement has passed, it may be time to relax on the beach club with a good friend and a Compari and soda. Read more here.



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