Monday, May 6

New Seafloatech Eco-Friendly Group Mooring Pods

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Here’s a new communal mooring system from Seafloatech, a British company, that holds a group of boats in a pod connected to the seabed with a single permanent anchor. It’s designed to be eco-friendly and reduce damage to the seabed in areas with sensitive ecosystems.

The way it works is that a central Seafloatech pod is built around the permanent anchor as the base. It’s held in place by an anchor screw to the seafloor. An articulated mast is hooked to the base with a hydraulic piston. It swings from side to side and rises and falls with the tide.

Several floating docks can be attached to the pod, which comes in different sizes and shapes. The snowflake design, pictured at the top, is a pod where many vessels can tie up rather than deploy individual anchors, reducing damage to the seabed.

The individual pods can be custom-made for a number of boats, the type of seabed and the prevailing wind and waves. They also can be built as “beaches” with sunbathing areas, restaurants and outer rings for boats (pictured above) or as platforms for a variety of uses.

Seafloatech just signed an agreement with a French mooring company, Perfect Mooring, to promote floating modules in France and Italy. Seaflotech has created a prototype of the system in the South of France.

It says the system is “a stable, ecological, safe, reversible and adaptable system for all types of pontoons or ships.” The system was a finalist in the design competition at the Paris Boat Show last December. Seafloatech says it intends to bring the system to the U.S. Read more:





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