Here’s a great report from the new owner of a Kadey-Krogen 58 Extended Bridge, telling why she and her husband, a former Naval officer, bought the boat. Rose Shaheen, the owner, says they were looking for their retirement boat and were interested in three things: “safety, reliability and liability.” Turns out, livability was the deciding factor; Mrs. Shaheen says she loves all the room on the boat so that it really feels like home (this is in addition to the Kadey-Krogen’s first-class fit and finish, its seakeeping abilities and its perhaps best-in-class engine room. If you’re interesting in finding a…
Browsing: Cruising Life
Stein Hoff, 70, started rowing his 24-foot boat in New York on May 15, heading for England – all by himself. He almost made it, but after 84 days at sea he was hit by a terrible storm and set off his EPIRB. Fortunately, the British Coast Guard got the signal and asked a bulk carrier near Hoff to pick him up. The rescue wasn’t easy, but he’s now safe. No word yet on whether he’ll try again…
I just came across this old video by my friend Billy Black after we had taken a mid-coast Maine cruise six years ago on the then-new Back Cove 30, a great time. It’s particularly appropriate now since I’ll be taking a similar cruise next week on the brand-new Back Cove 32. I’ve go to say that the Maine-built Back Coves (and Sabres too – their big-brother brand) are among my favorite cruising boats.
Here’s a great tour of an Aquila 44 power cat by an owner who’s bought two Aquilas before. Needless to say, he likes the boat. But it’s easy to see why. With it’s 22-foot beam, the Aquila has space and more space – plus lots of light all around. A fun video:
In the largest owners’ rendezvous in the company’s history, 32 Nordhavns cruised to Petersburg, Alaska, this summer, surpassing the Nordhavn Atlantic Rally, with 17 boats, in 2004, and anything since. In addition to the owners who arrived on their own boats, many other Nordhavn owners flew in for the event. Here’s a great video showing how proud these owners are of their boats, and of their own cruising accomplishments. .
Here’s a great video combining two world-class brands: Hinckley Yachts and Mystic Seaport. The Seaport itself is a wonderful cruising destination, whether for a weekend or longer. (I spent one of our best weekends ever tied up to the sea wall there with my family many years ago on my Grand Banks.) And a gathering of Hinckleys is a cause for celebration, no matter where they are. Take a look.
Here are some fun facts about the Coast Guard. I’ve worked with some of these men and women over the years and they do a terrific job; the real point is that they’re there when you need them most. Do you really want to try to be a rescue swimmer, or drive a rollover boat in breaking surf, or fly a helicopter during a storm at night to try to rescue someone who’s hurt miles offshore? These people all have great training for a very serious job.
Here’s a great video from James and Jennifer Hamilton on their Nordhavn 52 Dirona that’s almost a tutorial about systems management for long-range cruising and living aboard – everything from monitoring all the electrical systems on board to creating extra pantry space. Definitely worth a look:<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen>
Migration, a Nordhavn 68, is now cruising at 80 degrees north, just 630 nm from the North Pole, in a land of glaciers, floating ice and polar bears. For more about the ultimate high latitude cruise:
This is simply an awful story. An eight-year-old girl goes boating with her grandparents on Lake George and gets killed by somebody who doesn’t even stop. Here’s the story: