Saturday, July 27

See Winners of Nordhavn Film Festival

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Nordhavn just held its second annual film festival in its headquarters in Dana Point, California, and it was a fun – and festive – event. It’s no secret that Nordhavn owners are an adventurous group; Nordhavns are now cruising all over the world. But, judging from the results of the Film Festival, they’re a creative group too. Here are the winners:

Winner of the Nordhavn Film Festival Grand Prize: Nordipedia: An Encyclopedia of Nordhavn Vocabulary, by Alexa Shanafelt and Alison Jefferies. It also won in the Best Comedy category.

Winner of the Best Cinematography category: Original Dreamer, by John Ellis.

Winner of the Best Documentary: Crossing the Atlantic in a Wheelchair on a Nordhavn 40, by Philippe Guglielmettion.

Click on the link below to see all the winners, their films, and pictures of the event:



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