Saturday, February 8

Browsing: Destinations

Sean and Lois Johnson, two Brits with a lot of salt water in their veins, are now in the Dominican Republic on their Nordhavn 64, Kapowai, after a circumnavigation of the Atlantic – from Miami up to Canada, across to Europe, and then back to the Caribbean. They had already crossed the Atlantic twice since they bought Kapowai just two years ago. If you’re interested in learning about long-range cruising from the people who’ve been there, here’s their latest blog postings before they head back to Miami.

It’s no secret that Nordhavn owners are an adventuresome group. After all, the brand has built its reputation on crossing oceans and circumnavigating the world. Now a group of Nordhavn owners is organizing a rendezvous this July in Alaska, and they already have commitments from owners coming from Africa, Australia, the Caribbean and various ports in the U.S. So far some 30 owners have signed up for the Nordhavns2Alaska rendezvous (N2AK, for short) from July 8-10 in Petersburg, which is about halfway between Ketchikan and Juneau along the Inside Passage. Petersburg is a small (pop: 2,824), old commercial fishing village…

It’s not getting any easier to cruise down the Intracoastal Waterway this winter. Indeed, the Coast Guard is reporting four more spots with dangerous shoaling conditions from mile marker 237 to mile marker 321 along the Waterway in North Carolina. The new shoals are at: Mile marker 237, Browns Inlet intersection near Bogue Sound, where a 200- yard shoal extends into the channel with depths from less than one foot to five feet at mean low water. Mile marker 271, Howards Creek Intersection near the New River-Cape Fear River buoy 99A, where a 350-yard shoal extends into the channel with…

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